Thursday, October 22, 2009


Experienced deja vu this afternoon during auto cad lesson. It was our first lesson in the lab but I felt so familar to that place as if I've been there before. Anyway, we had briefing over there and my intuition tells that this module is gonna be a tough one though i don't trust my intuition. Yeap, but no matter what, I'll just try my best.
Oh yes! I've gotten back my law and E.C.T paper. For those who do not know what's ect, it's actually elementary construction technology, the module is all about drawings and memorising. Both papers are the year long module. So, it was not calculated in the GPA. I got 87 for E.C.T and 79 for law. Yes, I'm happy for my E.C.T because I always had a hard time with drawings. For those who know me well, you know pei qi couldn't draw. However, not all credits goes to me because there are some people who had helped me along the way, even before the exams. Especially Fuji, he took all effort to travel from the east to sp, just to teach for that few hours. Thank God for him. For law, I'm one mark away to an A. Though it was good enough, I felt so shacked.