Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shepherd of my soul

Shepherd of my soul
I give you full control
wherever you may lead I will go
Be it in a quiet pasture
Or a valley dark and deep
The shepherd of my soul will be my guide
Should I face a mighty mountain or a valley dark and deep
The shepherd of my soul will be my guide...

Amen! I love this song deep down from the bottom of my heart. When I first heard this song in the kid's church, I was so impressed and touched by all the children who sang this song. Indeed it's a lovely song.
Right now, I'm facing problem of with my some people, though I am alone but I promise myself that I will not be lonely because God's guardian angel is beside me.
Of course, I am sad, not just sad, but heart-broken. I treated all of them as my little sisters, I sacrifice but none sees it


VIVIENHANG(: said...

be happy , you are not alone. There's still a lot of people out there caring and concerning you.
Takegoodcare !


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