1 January 2010. 01/01/10. 01-01-2010. 01/01/2010.
For in case, you're wondering, I'm just getting use to the new way of writing the dates. The world is moving on to 2010 when America's clock strikes 12 a.m. Half the world is sleeping, half the world's awake.
Just a note of evaluation for year 2009, blessed year by God in terms of time and finances. Thank God for the time in GB, ALAZ, SPCF, Studies, bible study, tuition, family and friends. Thank God for everything. Truly, I'm so blessed by the people around me. In the beginning of year 2009, I was questioning God about the difference between Wisdom and Intelligence and I've come up with a conclusion about Wisdom. To end this LONG-WINDED note here, Wisdom is to act in the will of God, seek for His wisdom.