Sunday, November 4, 2007


Today after the church service, I was struggling with bags of mess tin and some other camp stuff.
( I really had no choice, but to hail a taxi home). Well, I met this pessimist taxi driver who has been abusing his health by eating high cholesterol stuff; like the coconut drink despite having a kidney problem for 8 years. He's now in his 50s' and he said that it's enough for him, he is no longer afraid of death. I told him about my godmum's life story, I wanted him to realize that there are some other patients who are like him, or even worse than him. I tried to counsel him as much as I could( I don't know that works) but most importantly, I'll pray hard that the value of kinship will help him to pull through this hurdle, may his family be the source of his willpower to walk towards a pinky health. I will always remember his words, " STUDY NOW, BOYFRIEND LATER" :). He taught me to apply toothpaste on my pimples. I think that works pretty much!

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