Sunday, May 23, 2010

Couch potato

One litte, two little, three little red dots seem to have subsided after a week. Just the week before, I was sitting down on my bed crying over few red dots I found on my hands. But well, not because of that few little red spots (literally), it's because of my fear that i couldn't catch up with the lessons. I know I sound like some "scholars-wannabe" but I really couldn't understand certain modules right from the start of the first lecture, esp (MBW-measurement of building works) AHHHH!!! that's a total killer.
Oh well, I've been a couch potato that spends 90% of a day lying down on the sofa feeling so restless and drowsy cos of that "after-drug-effect". I've always managed convinced myself that I need plenty rest and that "now" is not the right time to study...
Feeling good now is a bad omen I guess.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Spend a good Friday sleeping and resting, wondering why the fever's back. Was it yesterday's hospital visit? Or it's the fact that I didn't finish the medicine given on Tuesday on time? Seriously, no idea why it came back.