Friday, August 13, 2010

I'd want to spend my afternoon like this

I'd love to have more afternoons spend like this. A cup of coffee, a piece of cake and a great companion will satisfy your whole afternoon.


A closed up before setting off

Cheese Carrot Cake from Pacific
Coffee Company.

Site visit report in progress


Friday, July 30, 2010

The book which enlightens

"Boy meets girl" is a cliche title to carry around and read in the public transport and even in school. Your kaypoh neighbours in the bus would peep into your book just like how our dear aunties and uncles like to peep from the office boy's "The newpaper" headline in the MRT. During Gems class today I took out the book again to pick up the storyline againwhile waiting for the lesson to start. Just as I was at my peak of my concentration, my classmate, Kenny who was sitting beside me asked, "Is that a love story that you're reading? What's is it about? Can I see the title" I was reluctant to say the title cos it is an hackneyed phrase.
But I tell you, I've never find myself reading a book so hungrily that I read 60 pages in a day. What interest me is not about how marvelous the love stories are, I'm looking more forward to see how the Master puts two together, how couples enjoy the journey of courtship and not dates. One thing that struck me the most about this book was about the "potential boyfriends or husbands". That paragraph was just there for me as I always have these categories in my mind which are useless. To be myself and naturally just like friends.
For those who have someone in mind like me, Don't hide your feelings from God cos He wants you to tell him how you feel. And lastly,
" Do not be anxious about anything, but everything in prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 4:6-7

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gimme hope Kaka

I'm still quite affected by the match between brazil and north korea. It was well expected that Brazil would win over north korea. It was a sure win match as expected but it was kinda a disappointing match cos it shouldn't be a 2-1 win over. I thought brazil would sweep off north korea with a 3-0 at least. Besides, I'm upset that Kaka wasn't at his best performance that night (sighhh...) Hope that he'll be better next round this sunday.

Gilberto backs kaka to shine, so do I.

Oh well, kudos to north korea. Defence is the only solution in this match and they managed to slip off goal keep's guard once ( kudos to the striker yun nam)

An ardent supporter of kaka

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Couch potato

One litte, two little, three little red dots seem to have subsided after a week. Just the week before, I was sitting down on my bed crying over few red dots I found on my hands. But well, not because of that few little red spots (literally), it's because of my fear that i couldn't catch up with the lessons. I know I sound like some "scholars-wannabe" but I really couldn't understand certain modules right from the start of the first lecture, esp (MBW-measurement of building works) AHHHH!!! that's a total killer.
Oh well, I've been a couch potato that spends 90% of a day lying down on the sofa feeling so restless and drowsy cos of that "after-drug-effect". I've always managed convinced myself that I need plenty rest and that "now" is not the right time to study...
Feeling good now is a bad omen I guess.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Spend a good Friday sleeping and resting, wondering why the fever's back. Was it yesterday's hospital visit? Or it's the fact that I didn't finish the medicine given on Tuesday on time? Seriously, no idea why it came back.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Empty note

Hey, you know what. I'm lacking of language to write this post. Much things to say but nothing to write...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

There is no doubt in my mind

There is no fear of belief
There’s just this cold reality That wants to take me away from You There is no doubt in my mind That in Your perfect time Your plans and Your ways will unfold.

Some say we need a miracle
Some say there’s no hope at all
But I know Your love is strong, it goes on and on and on and on
Rise up when it gets us down
It’ll be the voice in a blaring crowd
Because we know Your love will lead us home It goes on and on and on and on…

Found this song through youtube by chance. As I read through the lyrics, I was slightly taken aback because these are words that speaks out my feeling and determination to stand firm in my spiritual walk because Satan is near. I know it's going to be tough but I've a giant walking along with him. One day, my prayer will come true, my parents will be saved and one day... He'll lead us home.